Zixing, Girls' Brigade. Yingying, Dance. Lenise, NCCG.
Sixiu, Dance. Jean, Netball. Weiting, Choir.
Ziyan, Girls' Brigade. Kina, Band. Rebecca, Girls' Brigade.
Shannon, NCCG. Sharmaine, Choir. Jieling, Choir.
Fione, Girl Guides. Chiewling, Guzheng. Joyce, Band.
Yingzhen, NPCC. Jesslyn, NPCC.
Dennis, NCCB. Zhenjun, Boys' Brigade. Zhikai, CO.
Kevin, Dance. Baocai, EDC. Yuxiang, Dance.
Lionel, Dance. Gregory, SJAB. Quanyao, NCCB.
Tseyu, Dance. Melvin, Boys' Brigade. Justin, Band.
Ziwei, Dance. Zhengyu, NPCC. Chenfeng, NCCB.
Titus, NPCC. Yeesiang, Chess.

mr kevin ng(145cm), the president of the 205 MUSHROOM club had been brutally assassinated by mr chen tse yu, also more famously known as 'lao tuu' by monikers. it is known to the press that mr tuu(bald,a translation from Chinese) had been eyeing on mr kevin's position as president for a rather long time. mr tuu had once proposed to join the MUSHROOM club and even sent in an appeal, he was also willing to pay 30000000000000US dollars per month for the membership fees.this clearly symbolises desperation join.
however,ms sharmaine tan(approx.155cm),pointed out that mr tuu have insufficient hair to create the desired MUSHROOM tuu was greatly angered by this and hence harbour hatred towards all MUSHROOM club members. he was determined to get hold of the presidency of the MUSHROOM club,and hence planed his assassination.
the assassination was cruel and tuu made his move on 24th august,tuesday, when mr kevin took his daily visit to the nanhua tuu attacked mr ng with his soccer shoe and sweaty shirt. apparently,autopsy showed that the death was caused by exteme stench kevin attmpted to fight back with his MUSHROOM headbutt, but with no avail, for he is many times smaller than mr tuu
'he fought till the very end!' sobbed ms sharmaine tan,the charter member of the MUSHROOM club. she and another eligible clubmate,shannon MUSHROOM chew both thought that as a punishment,mr tuu,should lose all his hair through nuclear radiation.
it was also known to the press that mr goh zhen jun and mr melvin siow might be accomplices in the crime in stinking mr kevin up.their shoes,socks and shirts are identified at the crime scene.
mr kevin was found on the bathroom floor,face green with disgust by stephanie chew,who was sneaking in the boys bathroom for a look.
mr kevin resurrected after the third day of his assault. both ms sharmaine and shannon were very happy indeed to have their president back.
this is for enetertainment purposes,no offence to anyone out there!

bonjour,bonne journee
okay,i ain't posting mj the hottie's picture already
because it is freaking everybody(me included)out,
so i'm introducing something new:
its members are as follow
president: kevin
charter member: shannon
member: sharmaine
people who wishes to join have to register with sharmaine,member fee is 3oUS dollars.members also get to enjoy a free mushroom haircut from shannon.
aimer tous les champignons
is our motto

Labels: i am le one

did anyone realise that siamanology and hotdog both appeared in the chinese commonn test?
does 205 rock or what?

Forgive me if I got this wrong.
But today seems to be an important day.
Who is shannon?
Shannon is this girl.
Who likes studying.
And pokemon.